Thursday 7 July 2016

The trees of hope

This is our teams screencastify video.It is about the Frankley School values.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

                             Spice Gull

WOW what a cold day up here in the sky.Maybe I should go back to land.DOWN TO LAND!BOOM!I fell on the sandy rocky beach.I was so scared.I could see in the  dark black cloud.I better  find shelter before it rains.
I felt so hungry on the way to the shelter .I found a shelter to rest.

I heard people in a restaurant. Mmm maybe something in that smell in there is mine.I waddled  to the restaurant and I found where I need to go.Mmmm I know this smell.I went a little bit closer

I love chicken tikka masala.I ZOOMED to the the large Vat of chicken Tikka masala!
I put my head in the vat of chicken tikka masala.I take a little nibble of the Curry.NOOOOOO!!I fall into the vat of chicken tikka masala.Well now i'm ORANGE NOT WHITE.I am so oily.Someone took me to the hospital so I wouldn't be orange.Oh No I am white but I smell like chicken tikka masala!I waddled to rock sandy and was sad that I smelled like curry.I started to daydream and that was BIG day……