Tuesday 1 March 2016

bike ride

YAY!!On Sunday we went on a family bike ride.You had to start off a nga moutu beach go into town and go to the four shore and back to Nga motu beach.After we finished we we got Corbyn out of the trailer.Mum and dad got us a ice cream.Next dad got the family hot chips and he got a coffee.Dad ran out of cash so he bike up to the shop.when he got back he gave money to mum so Georgia and Corbyn could go on the bouncy castle.After we the bouncy castle it was time for the BIG DIG!you had to try find a ping pong ball.If you find one you can get a prize.I didn't find a ping pong ball.When all the ping pong balls were gone it was time for prize giving.The top prize was a mountain bike.It was orange and was an adult size.the first prize was a pass to a rugby game there were 3 more.Then it was time for the winner for the mountain bike.They said stand up if your number is 1138.AND IT WAS ME!When i went up it was to big but on Monday we got a smaller size.It was a fun bike ride and i hope i do it next year.